Misty O’Neal and Tammy Hughes discuss how ARcare can sit down with you and go over your history and find the best product for you.
Hi, I’m Misty O’Neal and I’m the Insurance and Outreach Director with the Pruitt Agency. Inside of ARcare, we have embedded insurance agents to help our patients navigate the waters of insurance because it is cumbersome. There are many different doors and avenues that you can go through and so we want to help them make the best-informed decision that’s available.
One of the questions that we get a lot of questions about is senior health insurance products. That’s related to someone aging in for Medicare.
I’m Tammy Hughes with the Pruitt Agency. I’m the Regional Insurance Advisor. With Medicare, we can help them enroll in their Medicare when they age in at 65. We can help them get Medicare Advantage, Part D, the prescription coverage and then supplement plans.
When someone from the community comes in without insurance, our insurance representatives sit down with them and they take a detailed account of their history and we try to find the best product for them. Sometimes that may be public insurance such as Arkansas Works.
People are normally really surprised whenever they’re able to get insurance because they’ve gone their whole life pretty much without insurance. When we can assist them with that, it makes them happy.